Friday, August 29, 2008

One Sick Puppy

Our little Allie was pretty sick this week. She had a fever for 3 days! I took her in to the Doc, and they had to give her a shot to bring her temp down. That girl is one stubborn chica. Even when she is litterally too sick to walk, she fights taking any oral medication, and wouldn't eat or drink. I was so worried about her, but she is doing fine now. I swear she lost about five pounds. She is her own person, but we love her like it's nobodys business! Hopefully that strong personality will get her through harder days to come. We entered some of our veggies in the fair and they did really well. My canned goods only got 3rd place which is like telling somebody they weren't very good, but we'll give you a ribbon anyways. I'll try harder next year.


Drew and Michelle said...

Allie's stubborn like her mother? huh? kinda funny... she's such a cute little lady!
I'm impressed you entered veggies in the fair... You're soo domesticated! I'm jealous!

Merrill and June said...

I figured out how to do this.
I love this blog thing. What a super idea. I sent an email saying I could not get it to post, but I finally figured it out.
We will be watching this site daily. Sending hugs and kisses.
Grandpa and Grandma